Pricing to suit every club size
Trusted by clubs and organisations across Australia to host events, manage memberships and venues. Sign up today to run your group/club/meet-up or organisation smarter.
The essentials to provide your best work for clients.
- 5 products
- Up to 1,000 subscribers
- Basic analytics
- 48-hour support response time
Most popular
A plan that scales with your rapidly growing business.
- 25 products
- Up to 10,000 subscribers
- Advanced analytics
- 24-hour support response time
- Marketing automations
Dedicated support and infrastructure for your company.
- Unlimited products
- Unlimited subscribers
- Advanced analytics
- 1-hour, dedicated support response time
- Marketing automations
Frequently asked questions
- How much does it cost for clubs to use?
You can use the most common Entry Place features for no upfront or ongoing cost. If you need more advanced features, you can upgrade to our paid plan.
- Can I use Entry Place for free events?
We charge no fees for free events.
- What payment methods do you accept?
For customer payments we accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. We use Pin Payments for Australian payment processing or you can choose to use your own Square account.
Boost your productivity. Start using our app today.
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